What is an "Incognito mode" - It is an Mode were ....Ohh come on guys everybody knows about it and its vast
application in day to day life (LOLL), but what we do not know is that ,
a class action law suit has been filed by group of lawyers against "GOOGLE" of
worth $ 5 billion (approx INR 377,629,750) in US district court stating that
"GOOGLE" records and tracks the users Browsing history and many other online
activities regardless of whether the user is using incognito mode or
normal mode in Google chrome.
Google has made it clear that all websites which we browse in
Incognito mode records the users information . Downloads and book marks in
this mode will also be saved as like browsing in normal mode.However it
also states that
browsing history , cookies and site data inputs into forms will never be
saved.This welcome page in Google explains the process behind the
Incognito mode.
But the recent law suit claims that Google uses certain tools like
Google Analytics , Google Ad manager
and Google Sign in Buttons for websites to track and store users data.
If the claim are true and Google doesn't have a proper
explanation about this process, then Google may end up loosing $ 5
billion class suit.
Any users who have been using " Incognito mode " from
June 1, 2016 is eligible for the payout of
$5000 (Approx INR 3.7 Lakhs)
, if you are lucky enough (HAaaa !!).What ever the mode we use ,
always be sure of the searches and data you input in this websites.
Remember nothing is save when you information becomes 0 and 1 of
binary codes.This news may be shocking to many pro users of "Incognito
mode". And as of now don't make any plans for this money as no one
knows how long will this law suit takes to end and which side wins.
There are many constant law suit s against google globally and only very
few does google loses. Happy BLOGGING!!!
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